Frank Eber – Plein Aire – Oil


August 15, 2022

9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Studio in the Park

2490 Silverest Ave, Baton Rouge, LA, 70816

The main facility for the Art Guild of Louisiana is the Studio in the Park. This BREC building is located in Cedarcrest Park in Baton Rouge.

More Info


This workshop has been filled. If you would like to put your name on a waiting list contact the Coordinator.

Workshop Coordinator

David Gary,, 225-252-8384


Come spend the day painting “en plein air” with national and international award winning artist and instructor Frank Eber. Frank will be doing a demo in the morning and then participants will have the opportunity to work on their own creations with individual critiques and guidance from Frank.

The demo/workshop will take place on the grounds of the Burden Plantation off Essen Lane, Baton Rouge, where there will be lots of shady trees or covered areas for respite from the sun. In the event of inclement weather arrangements have been made to do studio painting … so be prepared just in case.